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International Academy of Arts

International Academy of Art has built in Saint Petersburg and a member of Education Ministry of Russia, this academy is directed and operated with a group of professional and popular Russian artists in different courses and fields.
Home / Majors Context / Music


The International Academy of Art has been training students in the music major. The fact is that this special place is committed to helping students realise their talent and to believe that they can follow in the same footsteps as their musical forbears and heroes - many of whom benefited from the same teachers as them. 

The Academy is a kind of 'family' with its open and friendly atmosphere, something pretty apparent to people from the moment they walk into the foyer. We may be steeped in a strong sense of tradition but, actually, we are dedicated above all to transforming and developing these traditions to mean something really exciting for the 'here and now'. We're always debating how to match education to professional reality. What are we if our training doesn't reflect, daily, the life around us? 

This is the focal point of a student's musical development and is taught to a professional level on both an individual and group/class basis. In some cases studentsmay take an additional Second Study (e.g. piano for an oboist) and inmost cases students will take a Related Study (e.g. piccolo for a flautist). Students are assessed by an annual examination inMay/June.

The BMus Tutors are available to discuss the performance and academic options available to students, timetabling, progress, and any other aspects of their programme of study. With responsibility for both academic and pastoral welfare,Tutors monitor the overall progress of every student and act as an effective and important representational link between the student and the institution.

The Head of International Affairs helps international studentswith any specific problems, including those arising from cultural differences.

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Distance Learning Education

If you are so far from us, there is no obstacle for getting a art degree because you can use of our distance learning system for graduation in one of 11 art majors.
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